CariBritain Branding & Posters

A celebration of UK Caribbean culture.

CariBritain is a self-initiated project, built around the influence of Caribbean culture in the United Kingdom. A series of creative expressions impassioned by the journeys of my family and thousands of others, and their invaluable contributions to rebuilding post-war Britain.

CariBritain is centered around dynamic, typographically-based executions of old Caribbean proverbs. The kind of idioms I heard my Guyanese grandmother say, and that share commonality with other cultures across the world.

The logo is a nod to consumer and corporate branding, a subversion of the kind of typography associated with western institutions.


The posters graphically depict the inherent wisdom, creativity and humour present in our culture. Ideas passed down through generations, and across seas. From Trinidad to Jamaica, Barbados to Haiti. As the legend on each of the poster says: Caribbean Proverbs for Import Culture

They challenge the negative, racially based associations we’re often subjected to, and presents a modern take on folk-art.